Saturday, March 30, 2013

Century and 2x60 Tempo

Great day to ride a century and get in the 2x60 tempos. The first effort, divided into two 30 minute efforts with 3 minutes between so I could get through New Richmond, were both at 290 watts. The second effort, non-stop to Ripley after 10 minutes riding easy after the second 30 minute was at 270. Legs were pretty tired. Average power for the 50 miles was 260 and normalized at 280. The ride home was actually faster that the ride out with the wind behind me. I was 2:35 out and 2:30 back for 5:05 for the 101 miles. Average for the entire ride was 230. On the way back I stopped to look through the spotting scope of a woman on the side of the road. She was looking an bald eagle with three young eagles in a huge nest off SR 52. Amazing! Headed back tomorrow with my telephoto.

Century with 2x60 Tempo

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

one hour tempo

Still too cold to do these outside so I did the one hour on the trainer at 280 watts. Lower than the efforts outside last Saturday but I'll take it. Luckily I had the History of the Eagles on DirecTv to occupy my mind for the hour. HR was actually pretty low in the mid 130's. if motivated I could get the power up to 290-300 like I had outside but that is a long effort inside, especially in late March.

one hour tempo, inside

Saturday, March 23, 2013

2x60 Tempo Comments

Have to say that when I saw 2x60 minutes at tempo on the schedule I wasn't thrilled. No way would I do these inside. Fortunately todays weather was pretty decent (40's) so I got outside. Overall rode 100 miles and fit these in early in the ride. The first 30 minutes went from River Downs (or what was River Downs) out to New Richmond. This was 30 minutes at 294 watts. I took a couple of minutes to get through the 4 lights in New Richmond and thendid the next 30 minutes at 295. This took me to about Meldahl Dam where I took about 10 minutes off with some easy riding and eating some food. I then rode 35 minutes back to New Richmond at 286 and then did 13 and 13 minutes at 287. The 13-13 had about a 10 second break at the light at 10 Mile Road. Previously, like three years ago, I did a 90 minute tempo and held about 265 so todays two hours at roughly 290 or so feels pretty good. Legs are definitely tired tonight. Tomorrow calls for one 40 minute effort. Overall the week had several 40 minute efforts and two days with 55 minutes of strength/plyometrics. Feeling ready for that first time trial in April.

2x60 minute Tempo

Monday, March 18, 2013


Today was an off day but given some issues with yesterdays schedule I did an hour ride inside on the Cycle-ops with 35 minutes at 280+ and then rode my noon spin class with 47 minutes at about 275. late in the day I did my 55 minute circuit class with plenty of plyometrics, core/foundation and general strength work. Roughly 2.75 hours at pretty decent intensity. The schedule calls for an hour tempo ride tomorrow and a couple of 40 minute efforts later in the week. Doing these inside is not nearly as much fun as outside.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Comments on Smoky Mountain Century

After the winter that wont end back in Cincinnati it was great to get out today for a ride that started with arm/knee warmers and gloves but ended in short sleeves and shorts. Temps went from the upper 30's to upper 60's. I started from our house at 10am and headed to Cades Cove riding along Little River Road. The stretch from Elkmont Campground's entrance to the Townsend Y (not a YMCA but where there is a huge bend in the river and two rivers meet) is truly spectacular. For 15 miles you ride along a classic mountain stream with roaring water going over every size boulder imaginable, waterfalls, fly fishermen (and women), kayakers, etc. From the Y there is a climb into Cades Cove. Total distance at that point is 31 miles. The valley within Smoky Mountain National Park known as Cades Cove has a one way 11 mile loop that is known around the world for its views, old barns, churches and log homes, and all kinds of wildlife including plenty of bears. I did three laps before heading back with side trips to Tremont and Elkmont to make sure that ended up with 100 miles and 7500' of climbing. Total ride time was 5:58 with about 4000 calories burned and average power of 190. I rank this ride up there with the Gatlinburg-Newfound Gap-Cherokee-Newfound Gap-Clingmans Dome and back to Gatlinburg century. That ride takes about 20-30 minutes longer and has about 10,000' of climbing. Should be able to do that in May or June once the road is repaired in North Caroline where a recent storm washed away 400' of road and 90,000 cubic yards of mountain side.

Smoky Mountain Century

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tempo Data

Had the opportunity to do some tempo efforts in Great Smoky Mountain National Park today. The goal was about 80 minutes total in the 290-310 zone. I ended up with about 70 total minutes over three efforts with power at 293, 299 and 291. It was kind of chilly with temps are 40-42 which isn;t bad going uphill. The long descents weren't much fun. Git in 3979' of climbing in a little over two hours also. Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to do about 100 miles. My lifetime miles total stands at 249,947. My plan is to cross that 250,000 milestone somewhere on the loop around Cades Cove. I started logging my rides in 1980 when I graduated from high school.

Tempo efforts in the mountains

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

more steady states

This weeks one and only steady states, schedule for yesterday but done today. Rather than the 4x12's I did one 15 minute effort at 326, another 15 at 326 and then 18 at 320. Overall not too bad consider how lousy I felt just a few days ago. My weight is still way down at 166. Last week I was at my normal 170-172.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekend Update

I had planned on skipping the Colavita Time Trial on Saturday which turned out to be a good decision. The weather was pretty cold (in the 30's) and the times were painfully slow. No need to have that kind of fun. Plus I was under the weather all day Friday and into Saturday with the dreaded stomach virus. Did some easy recovery/low end endurance miles today but the energy levels are way down. Still very dehydrated with weight down about 4-5 lbs. Need to get that back up. Fortunately my pre-illness power was really good so I'll get it back soon.

Monday, March 4, 2013

4x12 comments

After Fridays rather weak 3x12's in the low 320's and Saturdays less than great tempo I was hoping for a strong set today and did it. Power was 327, 329, 329 and 328. I set the target power on the Cycle-Ops at 330 and held cadence around 85. I made it into a mini Allman Brothers/Little Feat music fest at the same time. Seem to work for powering through these.

4x12 steady state

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Rides and Upcoming Week

Finished out Friday with 3x12 on the steady states at 320-325. Saturdays ride was about 3 hours on the trainer (cold and snow flurries) with a couple of 20 minute tempo's around 280. The power ideally should have been 290+ but just wasn't feeling it after the 3x12's on Friday evening and tempo's early on Saturday. And it could be I'm just tired of riding inside. Today was an off day and tomorrow and Tuesday will be 4x12's on the steady states. Most likely the first time trial for me will be in April in Dayton. There is a 33k out and back on our Tuesday course next Saturday but due to a previous commitment I can;t go. I'd probably skip it anyway since the weather will be too cold. I hate riding tt's in the cold. My times are always slower and I find that the benefit of getting the effort in those conditions is pretty marginal.

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