Saturday, March 31, 2018

104 miles

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Classes Today

Had the monitor on from about 5am to noon. First light grey is training a client. Black is a warmup ride before class. Then we have the spin class and circuit class. The latter starts with the larger band of green. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

20 minute time trial effort

Had hoped to do this outside but still in the lower 40's so I went at it inside. Did a 30 minute warmup and then went at it. The last time we did this during the winter I was in the lower 360's and upped that to 373 today.  Set several 2018 and an all-time 20 minute power record although I think I've exceeded that way in the past. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Day 2 of the (3-1-1) x 3, 5 min easy, 10 min at SS, 5 min easy, and repeat

Second tiem this week where we did 15 minute warmup the n3 minutes at tempo and 1 at SS x 3 but actually went with 3 at SS and 1 at time trial; the ten minute efforts were SS

watts: 306-348-239//304-358-221//317-356-214....308....197....305-355-249//325-359-222//322-383-206...313

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hiking and Biking in the Tennessee

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cycling Keeps Us Younger: NYT

How Exercise Can Keep Aging Muscles and Immune Systems ‘Young’

Remaining physically active as we grow older could help to keep our muscles and immune systems robust, according to two inspiring new studies of older recreational cyclists.
Together, the experiments add to growing evidence that some of our assumptions about aging may be outdated and we might have more control over the process than we think.
Aging often seems inexorable and unvarying, and, in chronological terms, it is. The years mount at the same pace for each of us.
But our bodies’ responses to the passage of time can differ. While most people become frail, a few remain spry.
These differences recently prompted a group of British scientists to wonder whether our beliefs about what is normal and inevitable with physical aging might be limited or incorrect, and in particular, whether we might be ignoring the role of exercise.
Exercise among middle-aged and older adults in the Western world is rare. By most estimates, only about 10 percent of people past the age of 65 work out regularly.
So, our expectations about what is normal during aging are based on how growing older affects sedentary people.
But the British scientists, many of them recreational athletes, suspected that exercise might have an impact on the trajectory of physical aging and, if so, alter our beliefs about what “normal” aging means.
To test that possibility, they decided to seek out a group of older men and women who had remained physically active as they aged and found them among local recreational cyclists. The dozens of male and female riders they eventually recruited were between the ages of 55 and 79, had been cycling for decades, and still pedaled about 400 miles per month. None were competitive athletes.
For their inaugural study of the riders, which was published in 2014, the scientists measured a broad range of the cyclists’ physical and cognitive abilities and compared them to those of sedentary older people and much younger men and women. The cyclists proved to have reflexes, memories, balance and metabolic profiles that more closely resembled those of 30-year-olds than of the sedentary older group.
That analysis had left many questions about exercise and physical activity unanswered, however. So for the two new studies, which were both published in Aging Cell this month, the researchers decided to refocus their inquiries and look closely at muscles and T cells, a key infection-fighting component of our immune system.
In most people, muscle health and immune response worsen after we arrive at middle age, with the effects accelerating decade by decade. But there had been hints in the first study’s data that the cyclists might be unusual in these regards.
So for one of the new studies, the researchers turned to muscle tissue that already had been biopsied from the legs of 90 of the riders. They wanted to compare various markers of muscle health and function across the riders’ age span. If the muscles of riders in their 70s resembled those of riders in their 50s, the scientists reasoned, then their physical activity most likely had altered and slowed the supposedly “normal” arc of muscular decline.
At the same time, other scientists delved into the riders’ immune systems, drawing blood from them, as well as from a group of sedentary older people and another of healthy young adults.
The two sets of scientists then dove into their data and both concluded that older cyclists are not like most of the rest of us. They are healthier. They are, biologically, younger.
Their muscles generally retained their size, fiber composition and other markers of good health across the decades, with those riders who covered the most mileage each month displaying the healthiest muscles, whatever their age.
The impacts on riders’ immune system also were marked. In the older sedentary people, the output of new T cells from the thymus glands was low. The inactive older peoples’ thymus glands also were atrophied, compared to those of the younger group.
The aging cyclists, on the other hand, had almost as many new T cells in their blood as did the young people. Those who exercised also showed high levels of other immune cells that help to prevent autoimmune reactions and of a hormone that protects the thymus against shrinkage.
The researchers theorize that the results of the two studies are interrelated. Muscles are one of the sources of the hormone that protects the thymus.
“So more muscle means more of that hormone,” says Janet Lord, the director of the Institute of Inflammation and Aging at the University of Birmingham, who was a co-author of both studies.
The older cyclists’ immune systems were not impervious to aging, of course. Many of their existing T cells showed signs of senescence, which means that they had grown feeble and were unlikely to fight infections well anymore.
The results also are limited to recreational British cyclists. They cannot tell us if other types and amounts of physical activity would necessarily have the same effects or whether someone could begin exercising at, say, age 60 and expect to benefit to the same extent as someone who has exercised lifelong.
But even with those caveats, Dr. Lord says, “the message of these studies is that much of what we previously thought of as inevitable in aging is in fact preventable.”

3 min at temp, 1 at SS, 1 at endurance X3 then 10 at SS.....repeat twice

Lost of hitting of the  INT button on this: 15 min warmup, 3 at tempo (280-300), a at SS (300-320), 1 at endurance, repeat 3 times, then 5 at endurance, 10 at SS, 5 at endurance and repeat the whole thing again; all power was above the recommended range, even the recovery that was suggested at 167


Saturday, March 17, 2018

1-2-3-4-5 and 5-4-3-2-1 minutes at time trial power, 30 seconds between each, 10 minutes between sets

I use this in my spin class and with some of my clients. Kind of a good way to get acclimated to time trial power with short breaks but not enough to get HR settled. On the first set I went for steady power throughout (350-360) and on the second set I tried to up the power as the time decreased. Went for it on that last minute and held 442.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Finished Endure by Alex Hutchinson

I finished the book Endure by Alex Hutchinson yesterday. All in all a good read although it didn't really give much in the way of definitive actions to take or proven results of the balance of the body-mind interaction in our performance in endurance sports. There was certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence of the the mind being a major governor of our ability to perform to our true maximum potential. Also some very interesting studies of how we can fool our mind into allowing us to reach and surprise all expectations. How we bottle that is another question. The book does open ones eyes to the questions of how do we use our training to get our minds and bodies to go to the point of relegating pain to the side while we only concentrate on our best performance. Its definitely worth a read.

Thanks Magnet Digital!!

Very happy to say that Magnet Digital, the company that set up and maintains my website here and at Wimberg landscaping, is sponsoring my racing this year. It was quite a surprise when they contacted me with this offer. They have been great business partners over the years. They're very responsive to our questions and really know how to set up and manage our sites. I especially want to thank Kim Sharp for all of his time in working with me. He's a great part of a great company.

Indoor Century then off day

Did the indoor 100 yesterday, just a little under 5 hours. Started with 10 before breakfast, then did 30 mind-morning, 30 while watching the noon NCAA games and then 30 while watching the afternoon games. All in all, on the of the easier efforts as it was divided up. Average power was 214.

Off day today with some intense intervals tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Spin and Circuit Class HR data

Had some pretty good efforts in both classes with plenty of time in the 80%+ in both classes. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

HR data from Circuit Class

Primarily lifting with not too much cardio/plyo but still drove HR into the 80-85% range in the yellow 

4x8 steady states

I did 4 x 8 minutes with 5 minutes between. Power goal was 326 but held averages of 335, 346, 354 and 356. Have strength class tonight and will then likely take off tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

More on Endure by Alex Hutchinson

I'm about 2/3 of the way through this book. So far, I haven't found a lot of 'you should do this in your training' moments as the author is shown the various sides of he argument of the mental vs physical training needed to be great. How critical is one to the other and how do you train them both for the best outcome?

As I read more today on the plane back from NYC I was somewhat pleased to read a lot fo evidence of what I could so far consider. very adequate training strategies over the years both from my coaches and back to the people I train. And both approaches have influenced the other. Some basic tenets that I think the book is confirming:

You have to sue your training to provide the physical requirements needed to meet your goals: seems obvious but you could read parts of the book and assume a strong will is all it takes and we know that isn't enough.

Your training should be training your mind in such a way that your building the will that is required to meet your goals. In other words, you can train hard but if you show up to an event and fall apart mentally, its all for naught. your training needs to replicate the physical and mental requirements of the event. thats a lot harder than it seems and I think this is where a lot of people fall apart. Taking the mental aspect to that level can be very difficult. I like to think that riding 30-35 time trails per year gets my mind in line with the demands needed at the key events. And it certainly gets me physically there.

Its very easy to turn of the mental and not get the physical results. I see this in my weekly Cleves time trials. Years ago, it meant everything to me. Now, its just training. My training says I should be just as fast, or close, to my PR's. I truly just don't care any more. That being said, I've ridden PR's on other courses. because I care and have the physical ability still.

Its good to combine mental training with the physical in my opinion. At this point in the book its debatable but performing mental gymnastics while riding (inside!) is good training for both the brain and body. I read a lot inside, even while cranking out time trial level efforts, rather than just lessen to music. I also do work games (unscramble letters, form as many words as possible from groups of letters, etc). I never did this knowing it may help. It simply helped pass the time. But, I think it has allowed me to develop focus away from the pain of the training. We wont have music when racing but it is possible to use your mind to focus on cadence, breathing, power, etc...and not pain.

More to follow....great book!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

One More Day in NYC

Last ride in NYC at the Manhattan Athletic Club. Used the same procedure as yesterday with 10 minute segments at 220-240-260-280-300 with HR topping out at 80-83% of max. Nothing too crazy but enough to keep the legs and cardio in the game for a few days. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

HR Data

Todays indoor ride at the Manhattan Athletic Club ming from 200-220-240-260-280 watts, 10 minutes each, followed by 20-30 minutes of lifting and then a 2+ hour walk around Central Park 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Use Daytime Lights, Front and Back! from RBR

That Time of the Year? CTS Pep Talk

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Todays Ride

Just an endurance ride but threw in a couple of all out short efforts and set a new PR for 5 seconds at 1050. Nothing t get too excited about but fun to do. All went after a couple of 1 minute efforts knowing I needed to hit 615+ and after 30 seconds was in the 590's so I bagged 'em. Too much lifting last night. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Endure by Alex Hutchinson

I'm only about halfway through this book. It is interesting but so far it's not really telling me anything I hadn't read before or talked about with others or even thought on my own. I don't want that last comment taken as some sort of credit for great ideas. I do think that after 38 years of riding, 312,000 miles, 700 races and a lot of reading and discussion that a lot of topics have been hashed out.

One initial thought would be that all training should be replicating the expected physical and mental challenges of your event. Thats right, physical and mental. By the time you toe the line at the big race you should be ready in mind and body. Too many people are lacking both.

That leads me to say this: too many people just don;lt train hard enough, even though they think they do. One of the firsts things my current coach (6+ years together now) asked me was whether I train to failure or race to failure. I said not on the latter but I have on the former. If we don't push ourselves to our upper limits, and that should really hurt, then we can never know what we're capable of. I'm opposed to failing in a race. My training should take to the limits or beyond so that on race day I know how far I can go. And, maybe I can go a step further, as they're is always more.

When we train we need to push the limits. When I see the results of my field test (and I try to do better each time we test, even after almost 20 years) and my zones have changed, I continually try to train at the upper ends and then go beyond them. If we just always stay within the wattage range, maybe we'll happen to get stronger but we have to push into the upper ends and go beyond. I'm not saying I always do this but like in todays intervals the goal based on power tests was 326 for steady state and I held 333-350. That last effort shows I could probably do all fo them at 350, so what don't I? The one minute goal was 360 and I went for 390-420. I held that range on each. Why not 420 all the time? As I was doing these I thought about my one minute PR power at 612 watts. Could I throw that in and come back to a 5 minute at 330? I was about to say no but I'e never tried it. Maybe I could.

My times at Cleves the last few years are definitely off do to mental fatigue with that event. After 325 races on the course I really just don't care. I can ride at 85-90% and still put out a good time. Theres no reason that I shouldn't be riding with more power and going faster. My times are in the mid 22's. I should be able to get back in the 21's. My training power is at times better than what I put out in that event. When I've raced at state and national competitions my power is some of the best I've ever held. Even at 55 years old, I'm as strong or stronger than I was at 46-48 when I was posting better times at our Tuesday race. I just have a hard time caring about it. Its good training but thats it.

So, with plenty of book still to go I have no need to be convinced that our minds are critical to our success. Once we achieve a certain level of fitness, we need to be able to dig deeper to pull out more power. We have to train our mind to make our body look past the pain and just do it. When I see people quitting in their training, and really no where near their max HR or holding power well below previous efforts, its all in their mind. They have to believe. They have to push through it. We all have to take things a little deeper into the unknown. Training is the pace to do it.

More 5-1-5-1 x 3, steady state to PI

The procedure was 8 minute warmup, 4 minutes between sets (recommended at 6-8 but had limited time), with set 5 minutes at 326, 1 at 360, 5 at 326 and one at 360. Actual power was 331-391-338-404, 332-375-337-407 and 334-380-351-415. NP for 53 minutes at 318. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

4x8 steady states and indoor century

The target power was 326 but I wanted to hold higher than that. In the end avg ws 332, 336, 344 and 353 with NP for the entire ride at 265. Will be doing more miles this afternoon as I watch my Xavier Musketeers play DePaul.  Other two files are blue with another 43 miles watching the game and then 15 to complete. Took some breaks to walk the dogs, do some work around the house, etc. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Day 2 of 5-1-5-1 X 3

This is the same workout as yesterday (5 min at 326/SS, 1 at PI/360, 5 at SS and 1 at PI), three sets. I only took 5 minutes between as I was pressed for time. Five minute efforts were at 330 or so and 1's at 370-380+. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Ohio Senior Race Courses

I did some recon today with a regional group of coordinators to scout some roads for the state senior time trials and road races. More information to follow but should be held on the weekend of June 23/24.

Under Overs

Todays procedure was: warmup at 216, 5 minutes at 326, 1 at 360, 5 at 326 and 1 at 360 for 12 minutes total, 10-12 between sets, 3 sets total. All 5 minute efforts were above 326 and closer to 330 and the one minute efforts were at 380+.

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