Cleves Time Trial
Week four of the 22 week series was held tonight. Much like last week the wind was pretty consistent from the south which hurt the front half and helped the last half a little. I was 3 seconds faster with a 22:25 or 27.44 mph average. Looking back at the last 16 years of times this is my second fastest May ever and the first without a time slower than 22:30. Pretty sure that if we get a hot still night I'll get into the 21's. For now, its great training for the other races later in the month and through July.
The rest of the week is light with just endurance and recovery rides. Next week we're back to power intervals, 7x3 and some 30 second efforts. Actually really enjoy these.
140 miles
Spent about 7:15 on the bike yesterday with a ride from Cincinnati to the Augusta Ferry across the ohio River to Augusta KY. From there it was on to Maysville, Ky, across the Simon Kenton Bridge to Aberdeen, Oh and back to Ripley, Oh. From there it was back to Cincinnati. That was about 115 miles. I think did another 25 on the trainer last night to take it to 140.
Todays schedule is for more endurance miles. I'll throw in a little commuting to and from the gym also then its off tomorrow.
Hill Accelerations
After yesterdays off day I had just 4x4 hill accelerations today. I used Heekin Avenue near our house for these. It has a steady 10% with a section at 14% and then goes to 5-7% to the top. The idea was to go 3 minutes at time trial power and then finish the last minute all out. The 3 minute/1 minute efforts ended up being 354/455, 371/428, 370/431, and 376/438. I was gone for about 35 minutes with a normalized power of 311 and actually got in 1400' of climbing.
Tomorrow is a long ride of 5-7 hours. Next week is very light with just the Tuesday tt and some endurance and recovery rides.
Cleves Time Trial
Last night was the third Cleves Time Trial. As part of my warmup I did a couple of 12 minute efforts with 6 minutes at 340 and 6 at 350. I took my road bike with the PowerTap for these. The time trial wasn;t as fast as the last two weeks with my time being 22:28 or about 27.4 mph. A strong headwind on the first half didn't turn into much tailwind on the second. Next efforts on the schdul are 3x15's with 5 minutes at 30, 340 and 350.
Weekend Workouts
AFter the 100 mile Smoky Mountain Century on Thursday we did a 10 mile hike to Ramsey Cascade on Friday followed by a great drive through Cades Cove where we saw 5 bears. We had planned to ride on Saturday before we left but it was raining when we got up so we headed back to Cincinnati. Once here I did 2x20 steady states at Ault Park at 320 each. Today was an off day where I taught the 8am apin, a noon beginner cycling class and a 4:30 spin intro. Big week ahead with steady states that ramp from 330 to 340 to 350, some hill accelerations and the time trial on Tuesday.
Smoky Mtn Century
Left the chalet today with the idea of doing 70-75. We headed to Cades Cove which roundtrip would put us in that range. When we got back to Sugarlands my brother headed home but I went up as far as Alum Cave, back down to Sugarlands and back out towards Elkmont and then home for 100.6 miles, 8000' of climbing and 5:54 on the bike. Great day to ride: sunny, hot, a little windy, and not much traffic in the park.
Cleves, May 14
On week two of the 22 week series I posted a 22:12 or 27.7 mph. Off to one of my best starts ever in the last 17 years. The ramped up winter intervals (think back to the multiple weeks of 20 x 3 steady states two or three times per week, the 2x60 tempo's and too many power intervals to count) along with the strength training has made a difference. Would love to break into the 21's sooner than later.
SouthWest Ohio Senior Olympic TT
Today was the SWOSO held in Mt. Airy Forest.Not a huge turnout but I have to say that the course was tough. It was shaped like a Y. For the one mile we went to the fork and back with a roundabout at the turn. I ran that in about 2:10 or about 27.7 mph. The 5k was run to the center of the Y, then out to the right fork to a roundabout, back to the center fork and then to the left fork with another roundabout at the end and then back to the center of the Y and back to the start, repeating this for two trips. Lots of turns where my speed went from 28 to 18. I did this in 6:48 or 27.35 mph. The 10k was the same but four trips around. I came in at 14:10 or 26.27. Could I learn to take those turns at 25? Maybe but they were very very tight. It was pretty much a one lane road through a city park so there wasn't a lot of room to go wide. Plus, there were other riders at most of the turns. Interesting setup for a time trial. The times were good for gold in all three events.
Blue Streak TT
Rode a 21:47 or just under 27.5 mph tonight in Dayton. Pretty decent for this time of the year but well off my best of 21:06 from two years ago. Good enough for 1st place out of the 112 riders and in the 50-54 mens Senior Olympic Dayton/Miami Valley race.
Cleves Time Trial
Rode the first Cleves Time Trial tonight and covered the 10.25 miles in 22:20 or about 27.54 mph. Looking back over the last 17 years that is the second best first night and only missed being the best by 2 seconds. Tomorrow night is the 10 mile Blue Streak.
135 mile day
Yesterday I started with 10 miles on the trainer before sunrise, then did the Cincinnati to Ripley and back ride with 221 to Georgetown/Old 68 to Ripley added on for another 114 and then added 11 more late in the day on the trainer. About 210 watt average for just over 7 hours. Today and tomorrow are both off days prior to the series of tiem trials this week.
20 minute time trial effort
Actually did this late in the day on Friday at Ault Park. The tighter waves on the power are the actual effort Average power at 345. I was hoping for 350+. Legs maybe a little tired from the previous three days of climbing repeats and strength training. HR not all that high at 160 so I know I have more. I think its hard to get there outside a race situation of which I have several this week with the first Cleves, the Blue Streak and the SWOSO events at the end of the week.
20 minute time trial effort
Climbing Repeats
The schedule called for 5 but for some reason I did 6. Didn't even realize it until I had finished. never hurts to do a little more, right? Here is the 5 minute/1 minute data: 352/445, 362/410, 349/414, 355/403, 344/412, 340/410. Some numbers better than Tuesday and some below. Overall felt good but legs were a little tired from the last two days.
Used the same course at Ault Park.
Climbing Repeats, scheduled as 5x6 but did 6x6