Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Some Rest Days

After last weeks two interval days, Wednesdays spin/circuit/Tennesse ride, the 100 miler in Tn on Thursday and then the 13 mile hike on Friday, I took it easy Saturday and Sunday. On Monday I ramped it up in spin class and with some intervals afterwards at home and then later in the day did my hour circuit class. Today is an off day. The first time trial of the season (The Blue Streak) is two weeks from this evening. Feeling good about it. Definitely not as tired coming out of the winter as I felt last year.

5 common triathlon rules violations


Friday, March 25, 2016

13.4 mile hike

Took the Baxter Creek Trail to Mt. Sterling and back. Started at 1700' and over the initial 6.2 miles reached 5800'. Total up and down too a little over 6 hours with minimal stops.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Smoky Mtn Century

I was inspired so I did the 100 mile, 10,000' of climbing Great Smoky Mountain National Park traverse. Started at 1400' at 8am at 40 degrees, rode to 5000' where the temps on the way rose to 57 and then plunged back to the low 40's. Took the 20 mile descent to Cherokee, NC where it was 65. Climbed back put to Newfound Gap and on to Clingmans Dome at 6600. Then back to Sugarlands (1500'), to Elkmont (2000) and then home. Knocked tow of the top 100 climbs in the country according to the book on great climbs in the US. I've done this ride maybe 10 times. I actually felt really good but its just a long day on the bike. The views are amazing. There were only a few times that I was really feeling tired, mainly the sustained 8-10% hour from Cherokee to Newfound. Will hike tomorrow The bike needs a day off. Avg power at 195, normalized at 219.

Monday, March 21, 2016

30 seconds on and off

Did a set of 10, 5 and 3 and then threw in two 15 second efforts; used the Ault Park course: 629, 621, 646, 621, 623, 590, 617, 577, 581, 614....632, 632, 613, 607, 616.....603, 586, 598....692 and 674

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Push Up Variations Video


Saturday, March 19, 2016

12x1 minute, inside

Too cold (upper 30's) and raining so I skipped the 20 mile tt today and did two hours inside with 12 one minute on/off efforts at 420+/-. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Exercises on the mat


Floor Exercises with Free Weights


Plyometric Exercises


Step Exercises


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday Training

I did these late in the day so to avoid traffic I used the steep climb near hour house. I did six almost four minute efforts at 370-390 with a burst on the cadence at about the 2:00 mark on each effort. Not my best power on that hill but my legs were pretty cooked from this mornings spin/circuit two hour effort. Overall, a good day of training.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Indoor Vs Outdoor Power Zones


20 minute time trial effort

Warmed up for 30 minutes in my basement and drove out to a road that would allow me to do this with no breaks. Worked out well. Average power at 363 and cadence 88. That power is better than some of my early efforts at the Cleves course. Cadence is a little low but that'll come up once I have some competition.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Max HR vs LT Zones

From RoadBike Rider, March 10, 2016, by Coach John Hughes

Max Heart Rate Doesn’t Show Cycling Fitness

Imagine two club riders: Joan is 41, so using Dr. Milkin’s formulae her calculated max heart rate is 171 bpm. She started riding when she was 25.
Jim is 55, and his calculated max heart rate is also 171 bpm. He just started riding last year. On club rides Joan rides with the fast bunch, drops the guys on hills and holds her own in the sprints. Jim rides with the new riders’ slow group and is gradually getting fit enough to stay with the group.
Max heart rate doesn’t take into account differences in fitness. Joan is much fitter than Jim, and their heart rate responses are much different. Even if Joan and Jim tested their max heart rates, training based on their individual max heart rates still wouldn’t take into account fitness. Why not? Your cycling fitness is a result of:
1. How fast your heart can beat.
2. Your heart’s stroke volume – how much blood it pumps per beat.
3. Your VO2 max – how much oxygen your muscles use out of the oxygen delivered by your lungs.
4. How hard you can ride and how fast your heart beats before you start to go anaerobic.
5. How much power your muscles can deliver.
6. Your pedaling economy, how efficiently that power moves you down the road.
All six of these improve depending on how long you’ve been riding and the kind(s) of training that you do. Training based on your max HR only takes into account the first factor.

Why Lactate Threshold Is A Better Measure of Fitness

When Coach Dan Kehlenbach and I were writing our book Distance Cycling, we researched the literature on how to set training zones based on heart rate. Although some coaches use max heart rate, the consensus is that heart rate training zones based on a rider’s lactate threshold (LT) are better.
“Wait a minute,” I can hear you thinking. “Last week Coach Hughes wrote about “Why Your Lactate Threshold May Be Irrelevant.”
The point of that article was that you don’t need a heart rate monitor and you don’t need to know your LT in order to train effectively. You can use perceived exertion like I – and 49% of RBR readers – do.
A couple of weeks ago, I explained that your body has three different energy systems:
1. Oxidative aerobic system (low power / long duration).
2. Glycolytic anaerobic system (moderate power / short duration)
3. ATP-PC (high power / short duration)
To complicate matters further, your legs have three different types of muscle fibers:
1. Slow-twitch (low power, great endurance)
2. Fast-twitch IIb (moderate power and endurance)
3. Fast-twitch IIa (high power and shorter endurance)
Each energy system and fiber type responds to different kinds of training.
The key distinction for training purposes is between the oxidative aerobic system using your slow-twitch muscles and the glycolytic anaerobic system using your fast-twitch muscles. Your LT is the HR where you become increasing anaerobic. LT isn’t a fixed percentage of max heart rate but varies by fitness.
Our hypothetical rider Joan is very fit, and her LT is a much higher percentage of her max heart rate than Jim’s LT, who’s just starting to ride. Lactate threshold takes into account your fitness – and that’s why it’s a better way to set your training zones.

Estimating Your Own Lactate Threshold

If you spend several hundred dollars and go to a lab to measure your LT, you’ll ride an ergometer. Every few minutes the lab tech will draw blood, measure the amount of lactic acid and then increase the resistance of the ergometer. When your lactic acid reaches 4 mmol / L that’s your lactate threshold.
A lab test isn’t necessary unless you’re a serious racer, and if you are a serious racer, then a power meter will provide more useful data.
Each of my clients does a baseline time trial and from that I estimate his or her LT. The client repeats the baseline TT periodically to see if his or her time has improved, which means the rider is producing more power! If the client is fairly new to riding, then his or her LT may also shift up.
Your functional lactate threshold is the heart rate that you can sustain for a 1-hour time trial, but that’s a pretty painful test.
Here’s a less painful test to estimate your lactate threshold:
  • Ride this solo rather than competing with anyone.
  • Do the test after a very easy week when you’ve only ridden a few hours.
  • Use a course that is flat or slightly uphill and will take you at least half an hour to ride going flat out.
  • Do the test on a calm day.
  • Warm up thoroughly for about half an hour.
  • Ride as hard as you can for 20 minutes. (Use a course that takes longer so that as your fitness improves you can repeat the test on the same course.)
  • Try to pace yourself so that your effort is pretty constant for the full 20 minutes.
  • Record how far you rode, your average speed and average heart rate. (If your HRM doesn’t calculate average HR just eyeball it.)
  • Your lactate threshold is about 95% of your average heart rate for the 20 minutes.
  • Repeat the test every 4 – 6 weeks at the same time of day and under the same conditions.
If you go faster and farther, then your overall fitness has improved. If your sustainable average heart rate goes up, it may be because you’re getting better at pacing yourself through the time trial, or it may be because you LT has shifted up.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday rides

Here is how today went: Rode 30 minutes before spin class at an easy pace, 120-140 watts. Rode the 55 minute spin class. We did a lot of big cadence (110-120) efforts with varying wattage ranges (mine were anywhere from 250-500). Came home and took the dogs for an hour hike and then did the attached ride. I threw in one 10 minute efforts at 379 watts. I was planning on doing 1/2 of field test just for curiosity sake, and since I skipped the indoor tt, but I went two minutes more since I was having so much fun. Still kind of cool, low 50's, but sunny. Felt good to be outside.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Todays efforts

Here is the data for the 4x30's/high cadence efforts and the end/tempo/ss/tt/end effort: 464 watts/125 cad, 455/127, 456/120 and 449/124 on the 30 second efforts. I then took a few minutes at low endurance and then did the continuous 5 minutes at 201, 3 at 315, 2 at 349 and 1 at 375 and then back to 3 at 205. I haven't decided on tomorrows indoor time trial. Its supposed to be in the 50s and sunny so I may ride outside and get a similar tt effort in. Its a 3.5-4 hour commitment to drive to Dayton, warmup, do the tt, cool down and drive home.

Friday, March 4, 2016

5x20 seconds and 3x4 minutes

I did the 5x20's first. I took 3 minutes instead of 2 between, not because I was tired just because I couldn't remember what the time between was. Old age is a horrible thing. Anyway watts/cadence, 376/141, 406/139, 413/138, 442/135, 435/137. On the 3x4 minutes I held 344/95, 348/93 and 351/92. had fun with all of these. Still too cold out....mid 30's.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Tennessee Trip Last Weekend

Spent just under three days in Tennessee last weekend and rode a little over 100 miles and hiked about 20. Temperatures ranged from the mid 20's to mid 50's. Hiked and rode in the cold/snow and sun/mild warmth. 

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