Training Mediocrity
This is the time of the year when I meet a lot of athletes bringing their training indoors or contacting me regarding upgrading their self-made plans. The one thing I see is the lack of intensity in their training. I think this is due to the fact that it just hurts to do it and without someone telling you to do it, why do it? I have no doubts that doing 30 second, one minute, two minute, or three minute efforts knowing that you will be submitting the data to a coach is motivational. I actually have athletes apologize for efforts that they feel are below expectations! Thats not necessary but I get it. If I don't do as well as hoped I do feel like I let my coach down. There is so much time still left before the season starts that any training that falls short isn;t a big deal. In fact, it could be that you're just pushing extra hard, and that is fine.
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