15x1's, day 2
Taught my 8:15 spin class with a heavy emphasis on high cadence 9in and out of the saddle, sprinting, etc) for 55 minutes and then taught a 55 minute strength class (covered all of the major muscles and ended with 10 minutes of plyometrics) and then drove 5 hours to Tennessee. Once here I hit the road that leads to our house to do the 15x1's. Average power for all 15 today was 494, much better than yesterdays 468. Watts/kg was 6.4 compared to yesterdays 6.07. Out of the 15 efforts 7 were above 500 with 517 and 515 being the highest. The lowest was the last effort at 461. We have few more of these efforts over the next 4-5 days with the idea of giving VO2 a boost going into the indoor tt's and Crankenstein. Are these fun? Actually, yes. I enjoy the challenge of trying to add power from one effort to the next and one day to the next. that is the advantage of training with power. You can see the progress. Just watching HR would not give you that feedback. Tomorrow I'll be hiking about 10 miles and then taking an easy ride of maybe 30-35 miles in the afternoon with a few thousand feet of climbing. The pace will be easy. With the triple on both road bikes I can keep up 90 rpm on most of the climbs in the park while pushing a pretty reasonable 200-260 on the power.
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